
Working Papers

Kin-based institutions and economic development" (with Jonathan Beauchamp, Joseph Henrich, and Jonathan Schulz), Revise & Resubmit at the Review of Economic Studies.


Keeping It in the Family: Female Inheritance, Inmarriage and the Status of Women , Journal of Development Economics, Volume 153, November 2021.

Tabulated nonsense? Testing the validity of the Ethnographic Atlas and the persistence of culture" (with Anke Becker and Joseph Henrich), Economics Letters, 204, July 2021.

An Experimental Study of Kin and Ethnic Favoritism” (with Mahsa Akbari, Erik Kimbrough, Pedro Romero, and Sadegh Alhosseini), Economic Inquiry, 58 (4), October 2020.

"The Church, Intensive Kinship and Global Psychological Variation"  (with Jonathan Beauchamp, Jonathan Schulz, and Joseph Henrich), Science, 366, eaau5141, November 2019.

Kinship, Fractionalization and Corruption” (with Mahsa Akbari, and Erik Kimbrough), Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 166, October 2019.